My sister gave birth to her firstborn...a little boy named Joseph! He is so sweet and so tiny, yet so big! He was 9 pounds, 8 ounces. H-O-L-Y COW! He was the size a few week old baby...yet compared to my babies (1.5 years and 3.5 years), he was itty bitty! He was born at New Birth Company in Overland Park, Kansas. The place is gorgeous and looks super comfy! It's almost like a little romantic getaway...only you're not making the baby, you're pushing it out instead. If you haven't been there, you should catch one of their tours. I think they're on Monday nights. Although it was not the most perfect experience, she was glad she had the baby there.
Alright, folks, here he is in all his newborn sweetness! Don't you just want to kiss him?!